TransVision 2017: register now! November 9-10-11, Brussels
Transhumanists from all around the world gather 3 days in Brussels to federate a European (and even worldwide) technoprogressive movement. Be one of us!
To register directly, click here:
> Register on Eventbrite <
Transhumanists from all around the globe will be here: David Pearce (co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association), James Hughes (US), Anders Sandberg (Sweden), David Wood (UK), Marc Roux (France), Didier Coeurnelle (Belgium), Valeryia Pride (Russia), Jose Cordeiro (Venezuela)…
All topics will be addressed: radical life extension, cognitive enhancement, bioethics, risks…
The 3 days event will take place in the beautiful Grand Café and Muntpunt library, next to the Royal Opera of Brussels.
To register now (limited number of places!):
> Register on Eventbrite <
Note: We make no profit on these tickets. Gathered funds only contribute to (partially) compensate the organization expenses.
The TransVision conferences only happen every few years. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!
If you have any question: