Call for volunteers to test COVID-19 vaccines (and therapies)
The Association Française Transhumaniste Technoprog salutes the commitment of all nations to life, especially that of senior citizens.
Publié le 18 mai 2020, par dans « English »

Following the COVID-19 crisis, the Association Française Transhumaniste Technoprog salutes the commitment of all nations to life, especially that of senior citizens, despite the very high economic and social costs.
We consider that aging, which causes vulnerability, especially of the oldest people, should be treated as a disease and thus benefit from very substantial financial efforts. Whatever the amounts, this would still represent much less than what the current global crisis will cost, which is thousands of billions of euros.
Moreover, among the targets of anti-aging treatments, the immune system is one of the most important pathways. In the fight against COVID-19, this route must be given priority. Vaccines are a long-standing transhumanist practice. Through this technique, humans increase their ability to resist microbial attack. In this way, they profoundly transform their biology in order to improve their condition. This corresponds to the very definition of transhumanism.
This is why we call on transhumanists from all over the world to join volunteers to participate in clinical trials of vaccines against the coronavirus, wherever they are, as soon as such research is launched in their country.
This is already the case in the United States, China, and in Great Britain, where phase 1 clinical trials have begun. In France, the Institut Pasteur is working on the development of such a vaccine as part of the international coalition CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). The first clinical studies in humans (phase 1 designed to test the absence of toxicity of the vaccine) are planned to begin in September 2020. We need to be ready to help carry out these tests as soon as possible.
We advise you to register on the website One day Sooner, to join thousands of other volunteers.
But it’s not just vaccines. There are other innovative therapeutic trials with serious scientific prospects, such as the use of mesenchymal stem cells or treatments to boost the immune system.
By this same logic, we also relay the call of Newton Lee, an American transhumanist who proposes to help research against CoVid19 by « playing » at inventing proteins, or by making available part of his computer to contribute to the enormous mathematical calculations required: « A software engineering approach to combating diseases and COVID-19 ».
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