Viridian Conference : Sustainable Environment and Technological Progress

Express your views on the environment and how to make it sustainable through technology (but not only). Let's imagine a better world together.

Publié le 8 mars 2021, par dans « EnglishRisquestranshumanisme »

Presentations, debates, proposals

Date and place :

You can register here

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Goal of the conference:

  • 17 : 00 – Introduction Organizers (Didier Coeurnelle, Marc Roux, David Wood)
  • 17 : 05 – Indra Adnan The hard and soft power of technology to face the crises
  • 17 : 20 – José Luis Cordeiro : Energularity and future of humankind
  • 17 : 35 – Nell Watson: Automated Externality Accounting,
  • 17 : 50 – Alexander Phraxos : The Future of Biomethane Is in Our Hands
  • PAUSE – 18h05/18h15
  • 18 : 15 – James Hughes : EcoSocialism and the Technoprogressive Perspective
  • 18 : 30 – Natasha Vita-More : An Ecology of Solidarity: Sustainable Environments for Life
  • 18 : 45 – Didier Coeurnelle : Biodiversity: Risks and Opportunities
  • 19 : 00 – John Danaher. Collective Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence? How to harness minds for a more sustainable future.
  • 19 : 15 – David Wood : Superdemocracy as the key enabler of a viridian future.
  • 19 : 30 – Workshops among other things to discuss possible amelioration of the manifesto.
  1. Social
  2. Preamble + Institutions
  3. Energy
  4. Ecosystems & Health

    Number of workshops subject to changes. See : AFT Viridian Manifesto : paragraphs / workshops.
  • 20 : 45 – Restitutions
  • 21 : 15 – Closure

Program subject to change


A technoprogressive future can only be imagined in the coming decades in an environment that is indefinitely sustainable. The change needed to make it « upwards » requires technological progress and profound societal changes. To do this, becoming more human by improving ourselves is an asset.

A « viridian » option, i.e. ecological, technological and non-destructive to humanity, implies radical transitions.

With this symposium, the organizers wish to question and develop the transhumanists’ reflection on environmental issues, and to deepen the Viridian Declaration. They also wish to reflect on how the arguments below can be debated in society.

Here are the questions that will be addressed by the speakers, but also by all participants who wish to do so during three workshops at the end of the conference.

One of the objectives of this meeting-debate is to envisage a general movement of research and innovation in specific areas:

  • Renewable energies, nuclear energy, global warming…
  • Pollution, health and longevity-related issues, biodiversity
  • Social, economic and human right aspects
  • Preparedness and resilience of public institutions in cases of crises

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